Salts & West Bamboo Clothing - Made in Canada
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5 Ways to Practice Self-Love That Will Make You Thrive

Canadian Made Clothing made in canada

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get those good vibes flowing and have a little chat about self-love.  While it's easy to get lost in all things extrinsic about this lovey-dovey holiday (I'm a sucker for chocolate and bubbly, too, don't get me wrong), we often forget to give our body, mind, and soul a little pampering, too.

Whether you're indulging in candy-coated goodies with your sweetie, or if you're single (and have the luxury of not sharing), below are 5 tips for practicing self-love, today and every day.

1.  Fill your body with food and drink that nourishes you. 
Food is our fuel, so splurging on healthy, whole, organic ingredients is the ultimate "I love you" for your body, mind, and soul.  We're drooling over plant-based creations by Vancouver food reporter/blogger, Erin Ireland (@erinireland), especially her Zucchini and Quinoa Pasta with Tomatoes, Chickpeas, and Basil  and Coconut Smoothie Bowl with Macaroon Granola

2. Treat yourself to a night-in of pampering.
Run that bubbly bath water, get the mellow tunes flowing, and pop a bottle, because you deserve an eve filled with relaxation and care.  DIY beauty treatments are top priority - check out Sisley's (@thepurelife_) DIY Beauty Hacks and our tips on dry brushing  to get you in the mood for some beauty TLC.  Sisley also has a killer article with tips for self-love you need to visit.

3. Get outdoors and get those juices flowing.
Nothing like that feeling of getting to the top of the mountain, filling your lungs with sweet, fresh air, and taking in those views.  Whether it's hiking, dancing, or simply taking a walk beneath the trees, getting your bod moving is exhilarating and refreshing.  We're already planning our weekend adventures while scrolling through @Radgirlscollective that founder, Gariele, has carefully curated for your ultimate inspo.     

(Pssst...We have totally cozy, moveable, breathable apparel to make you feel even more beautiful when scaling those mountains!  Like these Bamboo Fleece Leggings and Bamboo Fleece Hoodies being hand-dyed THIS WEEK!)  


4.  Simplify your life.
De-cluttering will not only help you toss unnecessary junk and stress, it forces you to focus on what's important, increase productivity, and have more me-time.  'Simplifying' will look different for everyone - ending a toxic relationship, downsizing your wardrobe for a more minimal 'capsule' collection (like Verena Erin @verenaerin from My Green Closet), or limiting your media consumption.  Identify what's important to you, then rid yourself of anything that doesn't bring you joy or feed your fire.


5.  Boost your positive self-talk.
Oftentimes our personal narratives involve a lot of negativity.  Cut your beautiful self a little slack by being more mindful and upping the positivity!  Look in the mirror and say, "I love you" (I know, sounds awkward...but give it a try).  Limit your consumption of social media if it's promoting the comparison game.  And lastly, start to celebrate you and everything you are grateful for (learn How to Gratitude Journal for Mindfulness, Better Sleep, and Positive Thinking with help from Chelsea Dinen @chelseadinen).


We hope you use some of these tips to shower yourself with love, today and always. You deserve it! Let us know the routines and rituals that make you thrive.

Love and Blessings,

Nicole Pike @ Salts & West

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