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5 Must-Try Natural Non-Toxic Makeup Brands

Here at Salts & West, we are in the pursuit of living a more simple, healthy, sustainable, and conscientious life.  Like us, you're probably on the search for the best natural, non-toxic makeup brands because you want to steer clear of parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances.  Maybe you've taken a gander at the ingredients list on the back of your lipstick and wondered what the heck those items are (let alone how to pronounce them).  For most of us, the idea of ditching makeup altogether is down right scary.  Here is the GOOD NEWS!  If you've boarded the 'green train' (or are waiting for the right time to jump on), no time is better than now to access brands that boast pure, bod-friendly (and earth-friendly!) ingredients.  We've compiled 5 of our top picks for natural beauty brands for you test out.

Elate Clean Cosmetics
A local Vancouver Island treasure.  This wellness and sustainability-minded company offers all toxin-free, cruelty-free, waste-free products made to enhance your natural beauty (and confidence).  Elate ensures that building a more conscientious beauty bag will not cramp your style - with seasonal collections and a wide array of gorgeous colours, dropping toxins doesn't compromise your beauty regime.  Highly recommended is their Essential Mascara for its 'natural dramatic' look (says Salts & West designer, Jennifer) and non-flaking/smudging properties.

100 Percent Pure
Pigmented with vibrant fruit, veggies, and tea, 100 Percent Pure brings all the vitamin-packed beauty without synthetic chemicals, dyes, or fragrances.  We love their Fruit Pigment Anti Aging Lipstick infused with pomegranate oil and shea butter!  Find this brand at Victoria, BC-based 'green beauty' boutique, The Green Kiss, where founder, Megan Johns, and team take all the work out of your search, leaving your more time to play with these new 'green' goodies!


Pure Anada
We found this brand through Prudence Natural Beauty and Fashion, another gem of the green beauty realm.  We love Pure Anada's Liquid Foundation for its moisturizing full-coverage and skin-loving benefits. Prudence has a wide range of organic and non-toxic skin care and make up products for your healthy enjoyment.

Sappho New Paradigm
Another brand we've discovered through The Green Kiss, we cannot wait to try Sappho's deeply-pigmented, silky smooth eye shadows in stunning colours from royal azure to smoky, sultry plum. Free from the standard toxic junk you find in mainstream makeup, this non-toxic alternative is sure to please your pretty eyelids.


Sweet Leilani
When this gloomy winter has you craving that  sun-kissed glow, Sweet Leilani's Island Radiance Bronzer has you covered.  To finish off your look, try their Highlighting Translucent Powder containing anti-inflammatory and calming properties.  Shop Prudence again for this fine brand and over a dozen more.

Remember: every swap counts!  Replacing your whole makeup collection at once is pretty unattainable, so start by switching out products you use the most.  We hope you try and love these products as much as we do, and that a more natural beauty regime makes you feel fantastic!  We want to hear from you - let us know your favourite natural, non-toxic makeup brands, or if you switch any of your products out for these ones.   

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