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5 Eco Fashion Bloggers We Love To Follow

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If you've read our previous posts like 5 Reasons to Shop Canadian Made Clothing, or have done a little fact-digging about 'fast fashion' and big-name brands, you'll know that the industry's practices and processes are often far from transparent and, let's be honest, pretty damn shady.  Cleaning out your closet and swapping items for eco-friendly, ethical brands (like Salts & West!) can seem a little overwhelming.  Below are 5 Eco Fashion Bloggers who we love to follow, that take the guesswork out of building a more conscious wardrobe. 

Eco Warrior Princess @ecowarriorprincess  
Jennifer Nini and team are redefining what it means to live 'green', 'moving beyond the granola hippie cliche and dismantling ethical elitism'.  The blog and social media reports on things like upcycling and repurposing, zero waste, minimalism, conscious business and feminism, to name a few.  The eco friendly fashion directory is amazingly helpful!

Verena Erin | My Green Closet @verenaerin
One of my personal faves, I've been following Verena for the longest time since I discovered her YouTube videos on capsule wardrobes.  With her down-to-earth vibe and minimalistic style, Verena provides a wealth of knowledge regarding how to find and invest in quality pieces that support a more eco-conscious wardrobe.  A go-to is the super informative 'What is the Best Fabric?" explaining pros and cons of investing in various materials.

Keira Jones @stylemefair
Keira blogs about her sustainable fashion journey, documenting unique challenges like the 10x10 Challenge, sharing her creative spin on wearing only 10 items for 10 days.  She spreads the love by offering Discount Codes to her readers for her fav sustainable shopping spots!

Brodie @ethicallyengaged
Ethical lifestyle options, conscious consumerism & fashion, clean beauty, home, and daily life tips, Brodie dabbles in a bit of everything eco-related.  Love the informative graphics she posts with stats like this, and her Guide To Creating An Ethical Wardrobe On A Budget.  Not to mention her beautiful, minimalistic Instagram feed!

Natalie Kay @sustainablychic
Florida-based gal, Natalie Kay, guides us towards a more conscious, meaningful wardrobe.  Totally digging her monthly Lookbooks and Brand Directory which neatly and beautifully categorizes items.

Ok, I know this is a '5 Things Friday' post.  But will you let me off the hook if I add a few more Eco Fashion-related Instagram accounts we're following?!

@bodhi__collectivefemme - shout out to our friends at Duncan, BC's favourite Women's Lifestyle boutique, carrying stylish and always sustainable goodies like this gorgeous summer dress.

Eline Rey 
@elinerey - Belgium-based visual diary of slow fashion & simplicity.

Laura Baross @lau.brss - NYC-based sustainable fashion & lifestyle blogger.

- sustainable, fair trade outfit ideas and seasonal looks.

Anne Therese @annetheresebengtsson - eco fashion, "Hey Change" Podcast, mindful living.

Let's start up a conversation about eco fashion! Who are your favourite bloggers? Comment below.

Love and light,

Nicole and the team at Salts & West.

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