Salts & West Bamboo Clothing - Made in Canada
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How To Care For Your Bamboo Clothing

Eco fashion

How to care for bamboo clothing, you ask?  Apparently, most of you have got it down to a science.  One of my favourite things is receiving e-mails from people saying they bought [insert item] a decade ago and they're still in love with it!  (UMM, if this isn't slow fashionI don't know what is!)  I'm in awe of these stories and how Jenny's creating beautiful, wearable pieces that truly withstand the test of time.  We laugh about it because if she keeps making things this durable, we won't make money ;)  Of course, normal wear and tear is inevitable, so here's a little video where Jenny explains the best ways to care for your Salts & West clothing and show it some love as the years roll by.

Love and blessings,
Nicole, Jen and the Team at Salts & West

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  • Lindsay on

    Great video! I live in a really damp environment so hang drying takes about 3 days and moister still stays in the areas where the fabric is doubled over. I confess I end up throwing it in the dryer – the bamboo fleece leggings and the bamboo fleece no hoodie wraps. Is it better to partially hang dry (like a day) and then pop in the dryer to finish it off or just use the dryer from the get go? With my Great Dane they get washed about once to twice a week.
    Thanks so much, Jen and the Salts & West team!

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