Ethical and Bamboo Clothing News
Trade up your Workout clothing for Organic Fitness Wear?
Have you ever wondered about the environmental footprint of your work out clothes? As it turns out the common fabrics Nylon and Polyester that are used in most workout wear are tough on our Mother Earth. To make Nylon your need to create Nitrous Oxide. Nitrous Oxide unfortunately is 310 times more potent of a green house gas then Carbon Dioxide. Who would have thought that your workout Pants would be such a polluter. Polyester demands huge amounts of water and lubricants to make plus it is made from Petroleum. Both of these fabrics use an incredible amount of energy...
Eco Fashion and Organic Clothing FAQ.
Here at Salts we get a lot of questions about organic clothing and sustainable Eco Fashion through our website and I wanted to take a moment to answer a few of the most frequent Eco Fashion questions here. #1. Whats so terrible about normal fabrics? Why switch to Eco Friendly clothing? Regular Cotton uses a lot of pesticides and herbicides which poison the ocean, near by streams and the land in general. When we use organic cotton we don’t support the use of chemicals in crop production. Other textiles like polyester are made from petroleum which is not sustainable to...
How to Dress for your Body Type while making Peace with it.
How to dress for your body type? This is how. This post has been a long time brewing in my heart. Little did I know many years ago when I started sewing up clothing in my beachside home where this road would take me. I am going to be very honest and bare my soul a bit here. A part of this business of designing clothing has made me a little sad. You see, throughout the years of dressing women and fitting them into my clothing I have heard way too much “body shame” to remain silent any longer. This...
Define your Body Type and Tips to Flatter it.
We have been talking about accepting our own body types lately, including my own. I am an Apple. At Salts we believe all shapes and sizes are beautiful but that doesn’t mean we can’t know what we are working with and flatter it. The first step in creating your own unique empowered personal style is to know your body type. As you define your body type you will be able to dress it better. Let’s start with a simple over view of the 4 body basic body types. Apple Body Type: Come on! You know your legs are killer! Apple...
9 Eco-Friendly Beauty Tips
Everybody wants to look good and have great skin as long as possible and that calls for serious skin care. I have complied my top 9 eco-friendly beauty tips for you to transition your routine to make it gentler on the planet! Make sure your soap is free of alpha-hydroxy acids. These harsh chemicals are used to clear pores, but also damage your skin’s UV protection abilities. Look for an all-natural cleanser while you’re out doing your shopping. Use a natural shampoo. Mainstream shampoos often contain sodium lauryl sulfate, which irritates the skin and is also used in garage floor...