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Is It better to use Natural Laundry Detergent?

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Is it better to use natural laundry detergent? Have you ever paid attention to the type of detergent you are using when it comes to doing laundry? I get it, it’s easy to pick the one that’s on sale and has that wonderful freshly washed scent to it. I was guilty of this for years. I never thought about the impact that chemical detergents have against my skin, the environment and especially the longevity of my clothes! Here are a few facts about natural and unnatural detergents.

1. Ingredients

Natural detergents only use 100% certified and eco-friendly ingredients. Making the detergent safe for your skin, your health and the environment. Unnatural detergents use harsh and sometimes toxic ingredients which can be absorbed through our clothes and into our bodies, affecting our health and safety.

2. Environmental Factors

While we've mentioned that natural laundry detergents are better to your overall health, they're also safer for wildlife and the environment as well. Many dangerous chemicals may be hiding in your every day detergents. Making sure to read the ingredients listed in your detergent will keep help keep the planet happy and healthy. 

3. Fragrance

Like I mentioned earlier, I understand the appeal of that "clean" scent you get with most unnatural detergents. But these fragrances aren't as great for you as they smell. Fragrance contains many harmful ingredients and can be extremely irritating and harsh on your body too. Many are hormone disruptors that can lead to problems in your hormone balance. Switching to a natural detergent will ensure you can still ensure you're cleaning your clothes, but in a much safer way. Natural, essential oils have very pleasant scents as well. 

4. Impact on Clothing's Longevity 

On Salts & West products, you can increase the longevity of your clothing by using all-natural detergents instead of harsh chemical detergents. Unnatural detergents break down your clothes much faster than eco-friendly, natural detergent.

5. Allergies and Skin Issues 

Your skin, being the largest organ in your body, absorbs anything that touches is. So when you're wearing a shirt that was washed with an unnatural detergent, those toxic chemicals can be absorbed into the body, as what goes on top of the skin will go into the body. Many people also have allergies to many of these unnatural detergents, leaving rashes and irritations. This is something you won't have to worry about with an all-natural detergent, your skin and body will thank you. 

In conclusion, I think it goes without saying the positive effects that natural detergents have over unnatural detergents. The risk of negative side effects is enough to me to steer clear away from anything which harsh chemicals or fragrances. Consider doing your own research on your favourite brands, and try out a natural detergent for yourself. It may just make a world of a difference in your health, your environment and your clothes. 


-Author Madison Miller @ Salts & West

Is it better to use Natural Laundry Detergent?


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  • Kim on

    I use Mela power for all those reasons!

  • Victoria Stevens on

    I have used soap nuts in the past and they have worked great! The trickiest part is keeping track of how many washes you have used them for and not losing the linen bag in the dryer ;-)

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