Salts & West Bamboo Clothing - Made in Canada
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How to Cultivate a Deeper Sense of Eco Fashion: 3 to Evolve your Fashion Sense

eco fashion made in Canada

Now that's a Title.  Let’s dig in.

I have been plugging away at the production end of the Salts Organic Clothing Kickstarter Eco Fashion project, getting all the pieces just right, making sure the factories can do what I need perfectly so there are no errors or problems (you would be surprised what oversights can come up in translation if your not one step ahead). In this process of manufacturing ethically and organically in India I have found myself often in a place of wondering what unfolding of life brought me on this path to designing and producing Eco Fashion.  Why fashion?  Why style?  What does it really matter in the big picture?  I will be honest and tell you that often I wrestle with the idea that maybe a life of fashion design is mildly fluffy in the bigger picture of World issues. Then on another hand I love to make women feel great about themselves and art/design are enjoyable parts of life that should be savoured, nothing fluffy about that.

Personal style is about how you express yourself and your views to others while working with what you got.  Taking your body, your face and your hair and translating that all into an expression of you.  Maybe your a busy mom and your personal expression of that is yoga pants to the market, maybe your career driven at the moment so your are expressing with a power suit.   Whatever your current life holds is always shown outwardly in your dress whether you are meaning it or not.  That is why I love organic clothing and ethically-made clothing, it’s an expression that I want the World to be better, cleaner, greener and more loving.

How can you evolve you personal style to speak to your values?  Here are a few tips I have noticed coming up in my wardrobe selections lately:

1.  Trade with your Friends.

Recently, I went to a huge clothing swap at a local organic grocery/eatery/used book hub (The Garage in Duncan, BC).  Many local ladies and a few men got together, bringing in their old duds to swap in for your old duds, thus everyone rocked new duds.  Firstly, this was so fun and very eco-friendly.  The trying on of cute and random items that you probably wouldn’t even glance at in a retail store is a great way to try a new style with no financial commitment.  The best bonus is that you get an evening out with friends old and new.  Not to get all woo woo on you but I believe there is a vibration and energy in everything.  These tradsie clothes are definitely of the high vibration kind.

2.  Find some Local Designers.

In every community there is at least one local designer making a go of crafting up some unique styles.  Some are just silkscreen printing t-shirt and others are making the clothing from scratch right down to the first pattern draft.  It’s a process of love and art for them.  Invest in a few of their pieces and you will reap the originality rewards as well as get that fuzzy feeling from honouring someones dream.  You really can’t get that at Target.   How do you find these designers and crafters?  Local designers hang out at craft and art shows, and use the google with your geographic area in the search as well.

3.  Pull a Macklemore.

*warning for the sensitive, video has explicit lyrics (a few swears)*

I am obsessed with my local Salvation Army thrift store.  I head in once a week for my “shopping” fix.  The really cool thing about thrift stores aside from the fact that they are a cheapskate eco-friendly shopaholoics dream is that shopping thrift evolves your personal style in a way that retail shopping just can’t match.  The price barrier is super low so you will find yourself trying out new types of style and colours that would not normally peak your interest.  Also, in a thrift store you only have so many options so you will definitely try somethings you normally might not bother with.  Also, of course are the mega cool vintage pieces that stumble in from Grannies closet from time to time.  I have found many almost new or new with tags name brand pieces that I love.  I have also found great jeans, rockin’ boots and pretty dresses all lightly worn.

There is something special about clothing with a story, after all it’s nestled against your skin.  Let you clothing speak for not only your aesthetic style but include your heart in the matter as well.

Jennifer (designer @ Salts Clothing)

Eco fashion, thrift store finds

Eco Fashion Finds, Thrift shopping

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